Friday 8 June 2018

Welcome Back...Time!


We can't quite believe we've only been back at school for four days! We have managed to squeeze a lot of learning in. 

In Maths this week we have been learning about time, we have learnt there are 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute. We made a giant clock and made different times and thought about what the time would be in half an hour or three quarters of an hour. We enjoyed it so much lots of us wanted to make our very own clocks in learning through play. We will continue looking at time next week.

In English we are reading a story called 'Shh! We have a plan!' which we all really enjoyed. We especially enjoy the part where one of the characters says 'Hello birdy!'. This week we were thinking about the different characters in the story and their personalities. We are also getting very good at using the word because in sentences to explain our thinking.

In Topic we are learning about old and new transports and made a timeline. In Computing we have been thinking about what makes a good photo and used the technical word composition. 
In Games we are thinking about Sports Day and today we practised some running races. We do PE every Monday and Friday, please make sure PE kits are in school and that plimsolls still fit as we will need to wear them on Sports Day. 

We got Paddington this week for the best attendance - well done Oak Class!

This week Plop our learning owl wanted to go home with Noah Beg this week as he always tries his best with his learning and has done some fantastic writing this week. Well done Noah!

The star of the week goes to Barney who has really persevered with his writing and he has noticed all the improvements he has made. Well done Barney!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Love Oak Class

Coin challenge ends on Wednesday 13th June
Green day - Friday 15th June wearing SCHOOL UNIFORM. We will also have a picnic on the field, if your child usually has school dinner, we will provide a packed lunch.

Friday 25 May 2018

May Day Week


We have had a lovely day, starting with our May Day celebrations today. We felt very lucky that the rain stayed away for our performance this morning. We all looked fantastic in our smart clothes. Well done Isabelle and Daniel on being our May Queen and King, you did a great job! 
We enjoyed our dance called 'buttered peas' and we hope you did too. We also liked watching the other children do their dances and thought they all did really well. We loved watching the may pole dancing in Year Two, and we look forward to doing the may pole next year.

In Maths this week we have been doubling. We used different way to double, arrays, repeated addition and multiplication. We know that double 6 is 12 or 6+6=12 or 2 x 6 = 12.
We enjoyed doubling a recipe, making a fruit salad.

In English we carried on our work on explanations. We looked at two ramps and explained why one went down the ramp quicker than the other one. We used words like steeper, lower, faster and slower.
Today we also did a piece of creative writing. We all came up with our own idea and wrote an adventure, some with flying cars, or houses, or tree. Some of us went to chocolate land, some went to hamster land and some of us went to Portugal or Scotland!

This week has been walk to school week. Lots of us have walked to school, or come on scooter or bike. On Wednesday some of us walked with Mrs Carey from the common. It has been really good for our environment and our health!

This week Plop is having a rest and a bath and will fly home with Mrs Carey.
The star award this week goes to someone who has overcome something they found tricky. They did a fantastic job at being May King, well done Daniel!

We hope you all have a lovely half term.

Love Oak Class

Home learning is to keep a weather chart of wherever you are!
Monday 4th June is an inset day - school will start on the Tuesday 5th June.
Coin challenge starts on Tuesday 5th June.

Friday 18 May 2018

A week of experiments!


We have been doing lots of different experiments this week in Oak Class!
At the beginning of the week we looked at forces and thought about how different things move. We tested cars and balls going down ramps with different materials, we also thought about how bikes and scooters move and how this changes when there's a hill or slope.

The second experiment we did today was following up our original paper water lily test by changing the conditions. We tested a cardboard lily, a paper lily in hot water and a paper lily in milk. We found out that the cardboard lily still opened by was slower to get wet, the hot water soaked the paper and it eventually sunk, the water lily on the milk floated for a long time! We thought it might be because milk is thicker than water or it might have different things in it that water does not.

In English we have been look at explanations and we wrote our own explanation of 'How does a Hot Air Balloon fly?' We used time connectives like; First, next, finally and drew pictures with our explanations. We also learnt that hot air rises.

During Maths we have been looking at multiplication. We have been doing this by practising our repeated addition and also by using arrays. We are continuing to count in 2's to help us. Next week we will be looking at multiplication and doubles.

This week in PE we practised our May Day dance called 'buttered peas'. We are looking forward to performing this next Friday morning at 9:10 and we look forward to seeing some of you there.

Home learning this week is to design a poster for our 'Summer Sizzler'. This is to be done on the paper provided as it has to be a set size. All entries have to be back in school by Thursday 24th May. The summer sizzler will be taking place on the 30th June and we hope to see you there.

We have been working hard on our phonics this week, looking at real words and monster words, or made up words. We all enjoy playing a game called buried treasure and would like it play it at home aswell. Here is the link to the game:
Picnic on pluto and Dragons den are also good games to practise phonics.

Plop this week will be flying home with Ethan. Ethan works so hard in everything he does and always tries his best. Well done Ethan!
The star award this week is going to Olivia who is taking risk and applying her learning. Well done Olivia!

We hope you have a lovely weekend! And Good Luck if you are doing the Fun Run!

Wednesday 23rd - Walk to school from the common at 8:30
Thursday 24th at 2pm - Community Tea (May Day practise)
Friday 25th at 9:10 is May Day Celebrations - we hope to see you there!
Term end at the usual time of 3:15 on Friday the 24th May

Thank you!

Love Oak Class

Friday 4 May 2018

Ice Cream Treat!


Another lovely week in Oak class!

We have been practising our May Day dance in PE this week - the music is quite fast so we're focusing on our moves to begin with.
We have also been outside in games, practising our netball skills. We have been practising our passing skills with a partner as well as our footwork, we did a great job.

In English we have been looking at poems this week focusing on poems about trains and some of the poems we looked at had repeated phrases, some had alliteration and adjectives. We imagined a train that went through Redbourn and what we might see. 

In Maths we have been learning all about division. We know that 'divide' means to share. We have been sharing things into groups of two and some of us challenged to share numbers into groups of 3. There has been some amazing Maths this week.

Today we carried out a science experiment. We had some paper lily's that were folded and we had to make predictions, thinking about what would happen when we placed the paper lily's in a tray of water. Some of us thought it might sink as it wasn't waterproof, some thought it might float as it was light. We actually observed that the paper lily's unfolded when they touched the water. They did eventually sink to the bottom.

We earned 50 marbles last week, so as a treat, today we had an ice cream party. We had a cone and a scoop of vanilla ice cream and got to choose some toppings. We had our ice cream outside on the story benches and listened to a lovely story.

What a fantastic week! This week the star award goes to Gabriel for having a great attitude towards his learning and always trying his best. Well done Gabriel.

Plop, our learning owl is going home with George C. George has shown some brilliant thinking and contributed well in all lesson. He has persevered with his learning and is showing independence. Well done George!

We hope you have a lovely long weekend, we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

Love Oak Class

Bank holiday Monday - 7th May
School photos - Wenesday 9th May
Lower school disco - Friday 11th May  

Saturday 28 April 2018

Monet Week


What a fantastic week we have had!

We started out with the story 'The Train Ride'. We read this together, acted it out and thought about the repeated phrases and rhyming words. We all had a go at rewriting the story, and all of our work was brilliant!

In art this week we have spent some time learning about the artist Claude Monet. He was a french impressionist artist. We look carefully at his painting 'The Water Lily Pond' and created our own water lilies with collage and careful tearing, folding  and cutting skills. The results were amazing, we just had to put them all up on display and make our own water lily pond which is beautiful.

In Maths we have been using some of the skills we have learnt to try and solve some maths problems. We looked at different combinations, ordering money values, identified shapes as well as odd and even numbers.

On Friday we were wearing our own sports clothes to school for the fun run which is coming up on Saturday the 19th May. We hope to see lots of you there - it's always such an exciting event.

We also got Paddington in our celebration assembly today for best attendance! Well done Oak!

This weeks star award has gone to George Burgess for making good choices and trying his ebst with his learning, Well done George!

Plop our learning owl will be flying home with McKenzie for persevering with her learning and being pleased for her friends. Well done McKenzie!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Love Oak Class

Friday 20 April 2018

Redbourn Primary School and our school trip!


What a lovely week back!

We started our week with the Upper school in an assembly with our new headteacher Mrs Hinchliffe. We all managed to fit in the Upper school hall and learnt that Mrs Hinchliffe has two daughters, a dog and two chickens!

On Wednesday we went on our school trip to Buckinghamshire Railway Centre for our new topic this term which is 'All Aboard!'. It was a beautifully sunny day and we travelled on a double-decker bus. When we got there we boarded an amazing steam train. We sat on bouncy seats and went forwards and backwards. We also went around the museum and looked at old trains and got to look inside. After lunch we went on a miniature train around a track and through a tunnel, it was fantastic!

The next day we all did some fantastic writing about our trip. We thought about what we did first, and put the events in order, adding detail. We compared our writing to some writing we had done earlier and the year and we could all see how much progress we had made. 

Today we have thought about different number combinations in Maths. We had to choose 3 numbers that added up to 12. We had to find 10 different ways. We also looked at different colour combinations. 

We had a special snack that was made for us by PIPS group - jams sandwiches! We all enjoyed them. After lunch today we went out onto the field for the 'opening ceremony' for Redbourn Primary School. We heard from an MP, there was a town crier (who we thought looked like a pirate!) and Mrs Hinchliffe our new headteacher. A tree was planted in between both schools.

This week the star award has gone to Lulu for being so sensible on the school trip and making good choices. Well done Lulu!

The learning owl Plop is going home with Margarita who always has a fantastic attitude to her learning and is always a good role model. Well done Margarita!

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Love Oak Class

Please bring in your PE kits - we will continue to have PE indoor and outdoor on Mondays and Fridays. 
Next week is 'Big Pedal' week - if you can, try walking, scooting or cycling to school.

Thursday 29 March 2018

Goodbye Mrs Byrne!


What a week! 

We have been busy with our science, doing an experiment to see if we threw a beanbag or a cushion, which one would go further? We used metre sticks to measure and we all had a throw (under arm) and all stood in the same place to make it a fair test. We found out that the beanbag went further, it was a little bit heavier and easier to throw.

We also did games this week and practised our ball skills. We are getting very good at our ball skills!

We all loved party day, making delicious Easter nests which we had as a special treat the next day. Mr Marvel came to visit us, and we absolutely LOVED it! He was brilliant and we all had a fantastic time. We also ate a delicious cake to say goodbye to Mrs Byrne. 

We have been doing lots of lovely Easter art activities this week including; bunny puppets, Easter colouring, egg watercolours, making flowers, printing, making chicks to name but a few.

We also learnt about the Easter story during RE. We made Easter cards and thought about the symbols of Easter (New life/new beginnings) We also had a special RE treat, hot cross buns! We spoke about the different parts of the hot cross bun and what they all meant. 

The star award this week is going to Isabelle for always taking pleasure in her learning and always trying her best. Well done Isabelle.
Plop will be flying home with Mrs Carey for a rest and a bath over the Easter holidays.

Today has been a wonderful celebration. We were able to surprise Mrs Byrne with some special presents and cards that we all worked hard to make. We sung some very special songs to show Mrs Byrne how much we love her. We will miss you Mrs Byrne, we hope you have a wonderful retirement and we look forward to you coming to visit us, lots of love from Oak Class xxx

Summer term starts on Tuesday 17th April.
Year One school trip is on Wednesday 18th April.
Easter challenge is to create a scene from your favourite book using a potato as a character. (shoe box)

Have a lovely Easter break and enjoy spending time together, stay safe and see you in the Summer Term!

Love Oak Class

Welcome Back...Time!

Hello, We can't quite believe we've only been back at school for four days! We have managed to squeeze a lot of learning in.  In...